RUNWAY: Carlos Campos SS18
Carlos Campos is one of New York's best and not just because of his infusion of Latin American flair with American sportswear but also because he's just a nice guy. Rather than taking the bow by himself, he led his team in the finale and saluted their efforts. It was also a nice touch that his workers also wore blue lab coats with Campos on the back.As for the clothes themselves, even though it was inspired by Mexican artist Luis Barragan, known for his modern creations with sharp lines, the color scheme just screamed American patriotism. There were looks in magenta, others in blue as well as white. Maybe it's hard to not see American influences after the election and the kerfuffle that continues to unfold since but that was the sense this audience member felt. Back to the clothe: they looked great. Everything from the jumpsuits to a sublime navy coat looked impeccable and could easily be worn straight off the runway. Kudos to Campos and his team!