EDITORIAL: Accidental Vocation
For Hercules Universal's SS15 issue, Aiden Shaw plays the role of a painter of beautiful things: clothing from Dior Homme, Bottega Veneta and Prada, as well as striking models, including Ryan Tift, Bram Valbracht, Jacob Mark Hankin, Janis Ancens, Benjamin Benedek, Ryan Pickering, Braeden Wright, Edward Harrington, Lucas Sendersky, Lorenzo Politi, and Piero Mendez, all shot and styled by Giampaolo Sgura and Miguel Arnau, respectively.
12:00 PM
Benjamin Benedek
Braeden Wright
Bram Valbracht
Edward Harrington
Jacob Mark Hankin
Janis Ancens
Lorenzo Politi
Lucas Sendersky
Piero Mendez
Ryan Pickering
Ryan Tift