EDITORIAL: Fashion Victims
Wallpaper - March 2011Models Steven Thompson, Nils Lawton, Shaun Haugh, Ian Jones, Nick Woronowicz, Luca Vigorelli and Michael Gstoettner
Ph Matthias Vriens-McGrath
St Susan Winget
Steven Thompson, Nils Lawton, Shaun Haugh, Ian Jones, Nick Woronowicz, Luca Vigorelli and Michael Gstoettner appear in "Fashion Victims", photographed and styled by Matthias Vriens-McGrath and Susan Winget, respectively. The provocative editorial plays on the hazards of plastic surgery, superficiality and vanity and the results are breathtaking.
2:40 PM
Ian Jones
Luca Vigorelli
Michael Gstoettner
Nick Woronowicz
Nils Lawton
Shaun Haugh
Steven Thompson